In Russia you always witness some sort of historical event. 在俄罗斯,总能亲历某些历史性事件。
Police are under investigation for jokingly filling in a witness statement in the name of a force dog. 英国某警局的警察因为以警犬的名义而开玩笑地填写证词而被调查。
In witness whereof the master or agent of the said essel has signed, anyone of which being accomplished the others shall be oid. 特立此据,上述船舶之大副或代理人谨此签署,任何一联付诸使用后,其余的均告失效。
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I cause this Power of Attorney to be duly signed. 作为证据,本人于此正式签定本授权委宛书。
This latest rise in sales is witness to the universal appeal of our recent advertising campaign. 最近销售额上升证明了我们近来广告活动的广泛吸引力。
In China it is the witness of civilization, as well as cultural body of the Conference. 它在中国,是文明的见证,也是文化的裁体。
In short, the BBC has grown too big; and with bigness has come both a diminution in standards ( witness the sorry state of its journalism) and blithe disregard for competitors. 简而言之,BBC已经发展得过于庞大;随之而来的不仅是标准的降低(看看其新闻报道的糟糕状态就知道了),还包括对竞争对手的漠然忽视。接着还有那种骄傲自大的态度。
He was in at the finish and witness the excitement of the fan. 比赛结束前他在场,亲眼目睹了球迷们的狂热。
The pyramids in Egypt are the witness of the glorious human civilization in the early days of Africa. 埃及的金字塔是非洲辉煌灿烂的早期人类文明的见证;
On Constructing the Institution in Protecting Witness of Organized Crime in China 论我国有组织犯罪证人保护制度的建构
This contract is made in four original copies in Chinese/ English and becomes valid after signature, two copies to be each party in witness thereof. For purposes of interpretation of this contract, the Chinese version should govern. 16.本合同用中/英文签署以中文为准经双方签字后生效。正本一式四份,双方各执两份。
To the theatre he went, and reached it just in time to witness the first meeting of his father and his friend. 汤姆向剧场走去,到了那里刚好看到他父亲和他朋友初次见面的情景。
Ratings are also embedded in private contracts: witness the ruinous amounts of extra collateral demanded by AIG's derivatives counterparties after it was downgraded. 评级也深入到了私人合约领域:证据就是美国国际集团在被调低信用评级之后,它的衍生产品交易对手要求巨额的额外抵押品。
Angels, cherubs and putti ( babies with wings) adorn some the world's most famous religious paintings and architecture, hovering in the air to witness the deeds of God and men. 天使,小天使,丘比特点缀着世界上最著名的宗教绘画和建筑。他们在空中盘旋,见证上帝和人类的一举一动。
State the fact in witness of his guilt. 叙述事实以证明的他的罪状。
Science is taking us back in time to witness the sinking of the unsinkable Titanic. 科学将带我们回到过去,去目击号称永不沉没的铁达尼号的沉没。
I dream the beautiful Aegean sea will be in witness of my beauty love. 我梦想着美丽的爱琴海将见证我们同样美丽的爱情;
IN WITNESS THEREOF, each of the Parties hereto has caused this Contract to be executed by its duly authorized representative on the date first set forth above. 双方已于本合同首页所载日期其正式授权的代表签订本合同,以资证明。
One can take in the panoramic view in one glance to witness the appeal of an environment that is stunningly prosperous and splendid. 全景俯视的视角,一览无馀,展现出一派繁荣壮观、辉煌灿烂的景象。
The handful of scientists who gathered in downtown Manhattan to witness the first demonstration of this transformational technology understood that it was special. 当时只有少数几个科学家聚在曼哈顿市中心的现场,亲眼目睹了这一转换技术的首次演示并认识到此项技术的特殊性。
In my gaseous phantom form, anonymous witness of the fall. 以缥缈幻影的形态,我是这没落的无名见证者。
Part Two: the Problems Existing in the Witness System in Civil Action of China. 第二部分:我国民事诉讼证人制度存在问题。
Every year, as many as60 to80 wells in Shuanghe Oilfield witness dropout of pump's valve covers. 河南双河油田每年都有60~80口油井的抽油泵凡尔罩发生断脱。
The dissertation makes a thorough approach to all aspects of judicial expert appearing in court as a witness, consisting of seven parts, about 34000 words. 本文从七个方面对司法鉴定人出庭作证制度进行研究,正文约34000字。
An important issue in testimony of a witness is the reliability of testimony, whether the testimony of a witness is true, whether it is true description of the case. 证人证言中的一个重要问题是证言的可靠性问题,即证人的证言是否属实,是否是对案件的真实描述。
It is Lifen in Hankou that is the witness of inhabitation building cultural exchanges between China and the West and has the higher protection value. 汉口租界的里分是中西现代居住建筑文化交流的见证,有很高的保护价值。
The system of judicial expert appearing in court as a witness is the core of expert testing system. 司法鉴定人出庭作证制度是司法鉴定制度的关键组成部分。
At last, we analyzed the critical chain planning in Witness simulation platform and validated the validity of the method this paper proposed, which is very important influence for the ship building enterprises in our Country to implement multi-project management. 最后通过Witness仿真技术对制定的关键链计划进行了模拟分析,验证了所提方法的有效性,这对我国船舶企业有效实施多项目管理具有一定的借鉴意义。
Modern historic buildings were built in specific historical period in modern China, is the witness of modern history. 近代历史性建筑是近代中国特定历史时期形成,是历史的见证。
Industrial heritage that is concrete remains which have remained, in the course of urban development is witness of the economic development and the course of history in a city or a district, as well as historical witness of the development of enterprises. 工业遗产是城市发展过程中所遗留下的具体遗迹,是一座城市或地区经济发展和历史进程的见证,也是企业发展的历史见证。